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DME Medical Supplies Business for Sale in NJ - 35736

Business Type: health/beauty/nutrition supply,healthcare related services,medical/surgical/hospital equipment & supplies,owner financing available,durable medical equipment
Owner Financing
DME Medical Supplies Business for Sale in NJ
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Financial Information (non-confidential)

General Information
Asking Price $1,700,000 Down Payment $1,300,000
Gross Revenues $1,312,916 Lease Remaining Register Free to View
Owner’s Cash Flow $562,000 Number of FT Employees Register Free to View


$1,300,000 Down and $400k over three years @ 5%

Business Description

Long Established (22 years) Medicare and Medicaid approved vendor of Durable Medical Supplies (DME) business. Corner location on high traffic location. Approved for a broad supply of DME products including mobility (wheelchairs, rollators, walkers, etc.), glucose supplies, mastectomy, compression garments, wound care, canes, crutches, hospital beds, Hoyer lifts, off the shelf bracing, etc. Offers basically everything Medicare allows except for bracing and O2 which owners supplies through Medicaid. 150 patients using incontinent supplies. Licensed in all New Jersey counties. Drop ships through major online retailers. Medicare accreditation and contracts from Medicaid and Blue Cross/Shield. HMOs like Horizon, NJ Health Medicaid, Aetna Better Health Medicaid, WellCare Medicaid. Also, private pay clients. Other providers without these HMOs bill through this seller for a fee (Integra model). Insurance panel approvals are very difficult to get. Consistent referrals from adult days cares (4-5), assisted living facilities, rehabilitation facilities, orthopedists, podiatrists & other doctor offices. Opportunity to scale the business. There is little active marketing by husband-and-wife owners. The website is one page with no click through pages. Opportunity for a new active owner operator to offer all supplies that the company is licensed to sell and open new accounts. 9 DME items out on monthly rental for regular recurring revenue.- can be expanded. Second office location can be closed and add at least $40k to bottom line in rent and other overhead savings. Proof of funds and DME is required for the name and location and a call or meeting with the owner. No financials until due diligence. No bank financing. Contact broker Joseph Stansky at 631-383-3109 for more details. Will not last.

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