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Business for Sale Summary

Dry Cleaners with Plant Established for 45 Years - 36441

Business Type: misc. retail/non-classifiable,misc. service/non-classifiable,other business services,other personal services,owner financing available,professional services,dry cleaning/ laundry services
Owner Financing
Dry Cleaners with Plant Established for 45 Years
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General Information
Asking Price $450,000 Down Payment $350,000
Gross Revenues $475,000 Lease Remaining Register Free to View
Owner’s Cash Flow $170,000 Number of FT Employees Register Free to View


$350,000 Down and $100K over 4 yrs. @ 8.5%

Business Description

Established Dry Cleaning Business. Massive bounce back for 2022, 2023 and 2024. Great shopping center with great parking. This is a pristine, turn key operation with all furniture, fixtures and equipment in place, including a 50 lb Multimatic dry cleaning machine (using DF 2000), an Itsumi BT-150 Single Buck Shirt unit, puffers, susie, 2 utility pressers, 1 hot head air dryer for compressor (takes out moisture and preserves life of all valves), 7.5 Air compressor, spotting board, Electrolux 65 lb washing machine (for wet cleaning and laundered shirts), 2 computers, 1000 slot conveyor, 400 slot conveyor, 2 sewing machines, 15 HP boiler, Instant hot water tube with no water tank (it uses steam from boiler to get hot water), exhaust fan, a new water purifier for waste water from dry cleaning machine with stainless steel return tank and much more. In the past year the business grossed approx. $475,000 with an owner’s cash flow of approx. $170,000. Two competitors recently went out of business and this has led to an influx of new customers. There are 10 years left on the current lease with a rent of $8,300/mth. This business is ideal for someone who understands the dry cleaning industry and the ability to open multiple drop stores using this location as the main plant. In fact, a separate drop store is available for an additional fee if a buyer were interested. We are seeking a serious and financially qualified buyer with at least $350K in liquid funds. Seller financing is available for a well-qualified buyer with industry experience, a PG and collateral. To learn more, please call, text or email Mel Vaz today at 631-767-0157 or melvaz@vestedbb.com. All site visits must be discreet. Please do not speak with anyone when visiting the location. All meetings must be scheduled by appointment only!

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Disclaimer: The financial information in this business listing has been provided by the Seller. Vested Business Brokers, Ltd. (VBB) has not independently verified this information. Therefore, we make no claims as to the accuracy of this financial summary. Vested recommends that you consult with an accountant, attorney and/or other professionals to represent and assist you in any business transaction. One of our associate brokers will arrange a meeting between you, your representatives, and the Seller, but they are not authorized to make any representations or warranties on behalf of the seller or VBB. You agree to hold Vested Business Brokers and its associated brokers harmless for any misrepresentations made by seller.